We have an opening for a partner family for a decent affordable remodeled 3 bedroom home in Shawano. We are accepting applications starting 1/1/2025 for this home.
Fill out the Home Brochure (see below), email (info@wrhabitat.org) or snail mail (PO Box 532, Shawano 54166) a copy back to us or drop at our store (414 E Elizabeth).
Print and fill out the Detailed Home Application forms (see below) and return to us. (if you have trouble printing, come to our store and we can give you a paper copy of each)
We also will need copies of your last 2 years tax returns, W2s, 2 months of paystubs and actual bank and any 401(k) statements, child support documents or other income or debts. Send all this to us as above (email,mail or drop at store in sealed envelop.
We will then help you apply for a low-interest loan with USDA to purchase the home from us.
***NOTE: At this time, we are NOT accepting applications for home owner partners. We already have several families that we are working with in Shawano and Menominee counties. We anticipate opening up applications again in summer of 2021. Please check back then. ***