Winter 2024 Newsletter
The Habitat Store
is open:
Thursday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Saturday 9:00 am to 1:00 pm
Drop-off donations can also be made during these hours.
New items are being added daily - we look forward to seeing you soon!
Questions??? Call 715-524-3007
Store Information

ReSale Store Location
414 E. Elizabeth St.
Shawano, Wisconsin 54416
{715) 524-3007
(Note: questions about home ownership should be sent to info@wrhabitat.org)

Store Hours
Regular store hours are:
Thursday 9-4
Friday 9-4
Saturday 9-1

Donations accepted during store hours:
Thursday 9-3:30
Friday 9-3:30
& Saturday 9-12:30
NOTE - while the store is closed, please call ahead to schedule a time or confirm someone will be at the store to receive your donation.

Come visit our ReSale store!

Wolf River Habitat for Humanity was officially incorporated on December 12, 1997; and our affiliation with Habitat for Humanity International was approved August 1, 1998.
Then began the work of forming committees, contacting churches and other organizations in the area, and hosting fundraising events to support this new organization.
Many volunteers helped with renovation of the Lutheran Indian Mission, located north of Gresham, that became our first Habitat office, warehouse and workshop (this building is on the National Registry of Historic Places). Groundbreaking for our first Habitat home took place April 22, 2000, on a donated lot in the Town of Wescott.
Since then, we continue to give thanks to the organization's founders, Ted and Dorothy Foster, the many wonderful volunteers who continue to bless this organization and its efforts in so many ways, and for all who support Wolf River Habitat for Humanity with prayers, financial support and donations of time and treasures.
We are currently in the process of completing our 19 home (in Menominee and Shawano Counties) Our offices and ReSale store are located at 414 E Elizabeth St., Shawano, WI.
People from Shawano and Menominee counties, all over the United States and the world, partner with Habitat for Humanity to build or improve a place they can call home. All Habitat homeowners help build their own homes alongside volunteers and pay an affordable mortgage and with your help achieve the strength, stability and independence they need to build a better life for themselves and their families.
Would you like to join us in making a difference?